• american chemical society    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 進盛企業股份有限公司

      ...ural Industrial products. Gradually, we served as agent and distributor of Chemicals Industrial products of several countries. After the medium time, due to the rising of petrochemical industry and electronic industry, we became the agent which specialized in importing chemicals, especially the spec...

      電話:07-3326920    地址:高雄市苓雅區中興街159號
    2. 美國雨果學校 American Hugo School


      電話:03-5964266    地址:新竹縣竹東鎮中豐路三段126號
    3. 景明化工股份有限公司

      ...與總公司連絡--Tel: +886-37-629988 Fax: +886-37-621090http://www.echochemical.comSince the establishment of the Echo Chemcial Co. Ltd. it is always our aim to be a professional supplier of chemicals .For past 20years , we are the distributor of famous brands from all over the world . Like chemi...

      電話:037-629988    地址:苗栗縣頭份鎮蘆竹里工業路16號
    4. Grant American language center


      電話:05-2256233    地址:嘉義市東區垂楊路111號7樓之一地圖
    5. 弋果美語 中科分校 (AMERICAN EAGLE SC

      ...立於1999年,同年於新竹科學園區創立「美國弋果學校」(American Eagle School),在這個被稱為「台灣矽谷」的科技城市,將台灣美語教育帶進一個全新的發展領域,帶動創新與追求卓越之信念與以引領全球科技產業之新竹走向如出一...

      電話:04-24621289    地址:台中市西屯區福雅路128巷29號

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